Who We Are

Mission Statement

Making disciples of Jesus who WORSHIP God passionately, CONNECT with each other in caring community, & IMPACT the world through word and deed.

Vision Statement

As our God gives us grace, together we will grow to be a church that responds to God's love and therefore:

Relate to God

Delights in God, as we extol His greatness and celebrate His grace.

Pursues God through Biblical education for children, students, and adults.

Relate to one another

Love one another, providing care, growth and accountability in quality small groups and other contexts.

Relate to the world around us

Advances the gospel of Christ through proclamation, compassion, and service both locally and globally.

Prayer, Bless, Jesus

For the past several years, we have been on a journey to increase our impact in the local community, and we have encouraged our people to adopt three missional disciplines that we can Pray, Bless, Jesus. By committing ourselves to these three disciplines, we have seen God work in and through us in amazing ways to engage and impact ourselves and our community.


We pray daily to gain a deeper knowledge of Christ’s love and for the opportunity to share it with others.


Once a week we attempt to share the kindness that we have received from God with others in a tangible way, and


We spend time meditating on the truths and promises in scripture about Jesus in an effort to know and overflow these truths to others as God gives us opportunity.

Core Values

  • CHRIST – Jesus is preeminent, the One from whom, through whom, and unto whom are all things.
  • TRUTH – God’s word is powerful and is to be learned, loved, and lived.
  • DEPENDENCE – God is the Source of all our strength, wisdom, and love; therefore we pray.
  • THE LOST – Both near and far, unbelievers matter to God and to us.
  • FAMILIES – Healthy marriages and children are vital to God’s mission in the world.

What We Believe

The Bible

We believe the Bible is God’s word, without flaw in all that it affirms. That’s why we actually teach it. It not only is true; it is also life-changing. We dare you to read it.

The Trinity

We affirm the historic construct of the Trinity – that our God is One, but subsists in three distinct personalities: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Hard to get one’s mind around that, but we are not surprised that a God big enough to create everything would be beyond our comprehension.


We believe that Jesus, the Christ, is the Son of God who took on humanity to live a perfect life and die a sacrificial death, taking our place, our sin, our judgment. He then rose bodily from the grave, ascended to heaven where He lives and reigns as King and as Eternal Judge. You really should get to know Him! And, by the way, He is coming back to finish what He started.

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is sent by the Father and the Son to give life to those who believe and empower Christ’s followers to keep His word and fulfill His mission.

Humans and Redemption

Humans are made in God’s image but totally blew it by violating God’s law. Thankfully, though dead in sin, they may be reborn through grace, and enter into eternal life by turning from sin and trusting in Jesus alone.

What Else Do We Believe?

You can check out more of what we believe by reading “The Essentials of Our Faith” – a statement from the Evangelical Presbyterian Church.

And if you really want to go deeper with this, look at the Westminster Confession of Faith which gives you a fuller view of what we conservative Presbyterian types actually believe the Bible teaches.

And when it come to our beliefs we think some things are more critical than others. That’s why we say: IN ESSENTIALS… UNITY; IN NON-ESSENTIALS… LIBERTY; IN ALL THINGS…. CHARITY.

Our Denomination

NPC is part of the fast-growing Evangelical Presbyterian Church. The EPC is a young denomination of churches and people who take the authority of Jesus through the Bible seriously and have embraced the Lord’s command to care about those outside the church as well. Our denominational motto says, IN ESSENTIALS…UNITY; IN NON-ESSENTIALS…LIBERTY; IN ALL THINGS…CHARITY.

We are “evangelical” in that we hold to the historic and Biblical good news about God, Jesus and the hope of eternal life. We are “Presbyterian” because we are committed to a Biblical form of government that insists on a plurality of elders leading the local church. It also means that we believe the teachings of the Bible are accurately summarized in the Westminster Confession of Faith.