Amber Stites
Director of Ministry Engagemnet
Phone: (412) 367-5000 ext. 232
In 2015, I wished I was dead. I was active in my church and a committed Christian throughout the week. Still, I was confused about my worth, value, and belonging. Even though I would have argued wholeheartedly against works-righteousness or earned my salvation through my own efforts, I realized that I did base my worth on my performance and lived as if I had to earn God’s love. It was through this struggle of being unable to perform even the most basic of tasks because of my acute depression that I began to understand that God’s love is not based on who I am but rather upon who He is. I continue to learn and grow, and now, I look back on my struggle with depression with gratitude for how God revealed Himself to me and how He invites me to come to Him to find peace and rest and remember that I am His beloved!