Rev. Ken Priddy, DMin, PhD – Ken is an EPC Teaching Elder and is Executive Director of the GO Center. Based on his experience in church planting and revitalization, Ken has been providing church health, growth, and multiplication training, consulting, and coaching for nearly 30 years. In short, Ken develops training curriculum, presents that curriculum in training, and then consults and coaches with pastors, leaders, and churches through implementation. Ken also currently serves as the Transitional Pastor with North Park EPC and on the faculty with Christian Leaders Institute (CLI).

Pay $20 in CASH at the door


6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
The Focus Is On The Missional Mindset


  • Leadership Progression
  • Leadership Authority
  • Leadership Ladder Overview
  • Four Leadership Dynamics for Missional Vitality
  • Five Forces for Missional Vitality


9:00 a.m.– 2:30 p.m.
The Focus Is On The Missional Skillset


The Four Disciplines of Execution

  • Focus on the Wildly Important
  • Act on the Lead Measures
  • Keep a Compelling Scoreboard
  • Create a Cadence of Accountability

Five Tracks for Great Commission Alignment

  • Aligning Perception: Where are we?
  • Aligning Vision: Where do we want to be?
  • Aligning Strategy: What will get us there?
  • Aligning Structure: Who will get us there?
  • Aligning People: Who will keep us there?