North Park Church has been going through significant transition and change with a youth and associate pastor leaving and the calling of a new Sr. Pastor. So many may be feeling a sense of loss and, for some, that loss has resulted in feelings of grief. In order to address these changes and their effects in a way that will offer care and comfort to the NPC body, the Elders and Staff have begun to use a tool called the G.R.A.C.E. Analysis.
The G.R.A.C.E. Analysis is an ordered approach to voicing what we may be Grieving, where there may be need for Reconciliation, what things are cause for Alarm, what God has done that we can Celebrate, and what is on our heart that brings Excitement for the future of NPC. Some of these categories may seem more relevant to you than others. But the point is that we want to give space for you to candidly share with us, whatever your experience has been.
We are using the G.R.A.C.E. Analysis along four fronts. First, the staff at NPC has gone through this process. Second, the Session has been working through this as well. Third, one by one our Care Groups have been devoting time to this. Fourth, we are giving two opportunities for other members and regular attenders— who are not otherwise involved in a Care Group— to share in a similar setting. Here are the details:
WHO: Members and Regular Attenders not involved in a Care Group
WHAT: G.R.A.C.E Analysis, facilitated by John Faber, one of our elders
WHEN: Sunday February 9th at 12PM (lunch provided) OR Monday February 10th at 6:30PM
WHERE: North Park Church, Room TBD
HOW: Sign up online here; or find the table in the lobby on a Sunday morning
HOW MANY: Registration is limited to 15 persons per group, so sign up now! We’ll consider hosting more of these as necessary.
WHY: Your elders want to hear from you. We have a deep desire to care for you all well as your shepherds under the Chief Shepherd, who is Jesus Christ. . We love you!
– Pastor David