Care & Support

Prayer Requests

We believe in the power of prayer and encourage you to share your prayer requests with us. We are committed to lifting your concerns and needs up to God.

Care Groups

As a church committed to making disciples of Jesus who connect with each other in a caring community, we place a major emphasis on care groups that promote just such a caring connection. Our care groups are designed to be places where real relationships of support are established, where prayer for one another takes place, and where we grow together into mature disciples of Christ.

When & Where?

We have groups that meet at many different times of the week, in many different locations in our community.

Is There A Group For Me?

We have groups for ladies, for men, for marrieds and singles, for young couples and empty-nesters.

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry is a vital part of our caring ministry as it trains people in our church to offer confidential spiritual and emotional support to those hurting and suffering. Whether it’s an unexpected diagnosis, dealing with overwhelming life transitions, the death of a loved one, adjusting to an empty nest, or anything in between, a Stephen Minister is there to help.

Meal Ministry

The Mercy deacons at North Park Church are dedicated to excellent care, including overseeing our meal ministry. Here’s how it works: When a need arises (e.g., a new baby, surgery, illness, or death), one of the coordinators sets up our website with dates and instructions and sends a link to local meal providers. Providers can then choose a day to contribute a meal.