
Women's Ministry

We encourage women to grow in Christ and shine their light on others through meaningful fellowship and the study of God's Word. Whether you're new to faith or looking to deepen your relationship with Jesus, our women's Bible study offers a chance to explore scripture and form lasting friendships.

Women's Bible Study

9:15-11:15 a.m. | Room 112


We encourage women to grow in Christ and shine their light on others through meaningful fellowship and studying God's Word. Whether you're new to faith or looking to deepen your relationship with Jesus, our Women's Bible study offers a chance to explore scripture and form lasting friendships. This fall, we're studying 1 Kings, uncovering the stories of God's power and faithfulness. Join us as we explore how Jesus, the Son of God, offers eternal life and hope in our tumultuous world.

Interest Groups


Our monthly interest groups offer opportunities for women to connect, build friendships, and enjoy shared hobbies—all while growing in discipleship. For more information on the groups, click the name of the group to contact the leader.

  • Service: A group of women who meet to work on service projects, dedicating their time and energy to helping others and positively impacting the Pittsburgh community.
  • Pickelball: A group of women who regularly play pickleball together, enjoying friendly competition and camaraderie.
  • Hiking : A group of women who hike and enjoy God's creation together.
  • Walking: A group of women who walk, enjoying each other’s company while staying active and exploring their surroundings.
  • Book Club: A group of women discussing and sharing insights about the books they read while enjoying each other’s company.
  • Meal Prep: A group of women who come together to prepare and freeze meals in advance, ensuring they have convenient and healthy dinners ready for busy days.
  • Explorers Club: A group of women who come together to embark on adventures and discover new places and experiences.
  • Dinner Club: a gathering of women who regularly come together to share a meal and enjoy each other’s company.

Mugs and Muffins

Summer Wednesdays
9:30-11:30 a.m. | Room 112


During the summer, join us for Mugs & Muffins, a casual gathering focused on spiritual disciplines like prayer, Bible reading, and meditation. We'll learn how to persevere in these practices and turn them from duty into delight.

Men's Ministry

At North Park Church, our men’s ministry helps men grow in faith, connect with others, and take on leadership roles in their homes, churches, and communities. Through Bible studies, fellowship, and accountability, men are empowered to live out their discipleship.

Men's Fellowship

6:30-7:30 a.m. | ROOM 106

Join our weekly Men’s Bible Study to dive into scripture, share insights, and strengthen your faith in a supportive environment.

Armor of God

Every Other Tuesday & Saturday
Tuesday = 6:30-7:30 a.m.
Saturday = 8:00-9:00 a.m.
Room 106

As the baby boomers are called to glory, young men will be the leaders of their families, workplaces, and North Park Church. The elders’ role is to equip men to be ready for this task. In this bi-weekly study, we’re diving into the Westminster Confession of Faith (WCF) to help men apply biblical truths to their lives. Learn ten spiritual disciplines and grow in your leadership as you wear the full armor of God. Coffee and light food will be provided.

Sunday School

Sundays | 9:00-10:00 a.m.

Complete in Christ: Find Rest in His Sufficiency

Bryan Whittington | Room 111

Are you striving to earn God’s love, wondering if you’re truly enough? The good news of the Gospel is this: Christ is enough—fully sufficient, perfectly righteous, and gloriously victorious. And through Him, so are you!

Join us for “Complete in Christ” to discover how His righteousness is imputed to us, making us:

  • Chosen, holy, and blameless—not by our works, but by His grace.
  • Forgiven, redeemed, and saved—secured in His perfect sacrifice.
  • Filled, sealed, and seated with Christ—in an unshakable relationship with God.
  • Alive, powerful, and being sanctified—transformed by His Spirit.
  • Stop striving—rest in Christ’s finished work! Come and discover what it truly means to live in the righteousness of Jesus and walk confidently in His sufficiency.

    Prophet, Priest, and King: The Wilderness

    Dale Wiggins | Room 109

    In the book of Genesis, we see that the Patriarchs serve as prophets, priests, and kings in their individual households. In Exodus through Deuteronomy, we find these offices fulfilled by Moses as he led a nation of 2-5 million people through the wilderness. In this wandering nation, we see a picture of the church today in its triumphs and failings, and we gain insight into our own journeyings.

    Parenting Adolescents

    Kim Runyan | Room 112

    This class will discuss parenting and adolescents. We will discuss Psalm 139 in the light of adolescence. What is an adolescent? How do they differ from younger children? How do they develop, and how do they think?

    We will use the book of Proverbs and other Scriptures, and I will also utilize a number of resources as reference tools. Authors will include Jonathan Haidt, Cynthia Tobias, Robert Wogelmuth, and Nancy DeMoss Wogelmuth.

    Topics will include anxiety and the influences of technology - specifically cell phones, conflicts and choosing battles, lies we believe and lies they believe, exasperation - yours and theirs; fascination with risk and danger and creative adventure. We will also discuss being a Christian in a hostile culture as well as using your home as a tool for evangelism and discipleship.

    NPC Orientation

    David O’Leary | Room 112

    This class you will have the opportunity to learn more about who we are: our beliefs, mission, and community. During this class, you will discover what it means to become a part of North Park Church. This class is a prerequisite for membership, but attending this class does not require that you become a member. In fact, we would love to have you even if you are not interested in pursuing membership at this time.

    This class is a great opportunity for you to connect with other members and leaders. It will also help you identify how you could use your strengths and passions to glorify God and serve others and explore more of what NPC offers. We are looking forward to getting to know you better.


    We'd love to connect with you and answer any of your questions! Click the staff member below to contact them.

    Amber Stites

    Director of Women's Ministries