Reading: Psalm 31-33
Psalm 31:
- How can you pray verses 1-5 for yourself and for others?
- How might you practice reciting the character of the Lord from Psalm 31 and hide these words in your heart?
- Is there something in your life spinning out of control? Your times are in his hand!
In writing his commentary on Psalm 31, John Calvin stated, ‘The hope which depends upon God cannot possibly be disappointed.” He also stated, “God who is the author of our life, is also its preserver.” “Our safety depends on the power of God.”
In the twenty-four verses of this Psalm, David refers to God as a refuge, a fortress, a rock of safety, a rescuer, a deliverer, and a preserver. He mentions the steadfast love of the Lord three times(6,16,21). He also refers to the trials he is going through several times. In verses 8-13, David speaks of his own sin, the traps and intrigues set against him by his adversaries; idolaters; the distress of his own soul; terror; and being forgotten and forsaken.
I am struck by the honesty and the faith of David. He trusted that despite a world of pain, uncertainty, struggle and fear, his God was unfailing in his love, power and faithfulness and was trustworthy to deliver him.
David knew the character of the God he loved. He knew that God makes his face shine upon his servants (16). He recognized the “abundant” goodness of God toward his children (19) – that that goodness is “stored up for those who fear” him and “worked for those who take refuge in you.” He committed his spirit into God’s hands because he knew that he had been redeemed by the faithful Lord (5) He knew that God had seen his affliction and his distress, and because of his steadfast love and faithfulness, he could still be trusted to deliver him.
I think that the verse that strikes me most forcefully is 15, “My times are in your hand;…” What a comfort to know that David’s God has adopted me! I am his child. Circumstances may be devastating. Enemies may be lined against me, slandering my name and laying snares to trap me. I may face unknown trials and tribulation, but “my times are in your hand!” The faithful, trustworthy, steadfast Deliverer, who has scarred and wounded hands, will not abandon me. Nothing is spinning out of his control, even if I cannot see it! My times are in his hands!
– Kim Runyan