Reading: Psalm 37-39

  • Psalm 37:8 warns against anger or wrath. In the context of verses 1-8, what causes this anger? Why should this not make you angry
  • Read Psalm 38. Though it’s difficult to tell which parts are intended to be metaphorical (see verse 2), the sin is very real. How have you experienced this crushing burden of sin before the Lord? Bring this to God in prayer: confess your sin to him and describe to him its burden and effects upon you. Ask him for the relief that salvation and forgiveness gives.
  • Psalm 39:12 says “hold not your peace at my tears!” What has moved him to tears? To what extent are you moved just as deeply in your prayers to God? Ask the Lord to give you the desperate dependence upon him that you see in this psalm.

Back in the summer I realized I wasn’t seeing things clearly.  It turned out that my glasses were cleaned too many times with a tissue instead of a soft cloth!  Silly me!  I had to replace my lenses!
Sometimes I realize I need to replace my spiritual lenses to really see what the Lord wants me to see.  The Lord shares His godly wisdom with me in Psalms 37-39.  When I compare the ways of the wicked against the ways of the righteous, I can easily see which side I want to be on!  

I found some gems of wisdom in these psalms. 

  • The Lord wants me to trust Him and take refuge in Him. He reminds me of the frailty of life, as in when we sing “we are a moment, you are forever”
  • I am just passing through this world – it’s not my eternal home.  I need to put on my “eternal perspective” glasses and not hold on tightly to and desire material things. This is hard to do sometimes!
  • I need to remember that life is not about this world.  This is why we are told more than once to lay up treasures in heaven and not here on earth. We are not to love this world or the things of this world more than God, because all we see now is passing away. 
  • We cry out with physical and emotional pain but must remember nothing comes as a surprise to God!  I think about people that are suffering right now and cry out to Him to heal them, but His will is not always my will.    
  • My hope is still in God no matter what happens in this life.  Both Job and David cried out to God in their pain and suffering.  God can take it!  
  • Our eternal home will be in the presence of Jesus and that is far beyond anything that we can imagine in its glory and splendor.

David reminds me to not look at this world with scratched lenses, but to put my trust and hope in His grace and deliverance.  

Ps. 37: 39-40   The salvation of the righteous comes from the LORD; he is their stronghold in time of trouble. The LORD helps them and delivers them; he delivers them from the wicked and saves them, because they take refuge in him.

Let me always take refuge in Him!

– Joyce Kish