Reading: Psalm 19-21
Psalm 19:
- Verses 1-6 reflect on how God’s creation testifies to everyone about his glory. Verses 7-11 meditate upon the goodness of God’s covenant word.
- How do both creation and the Bible work together to reveal God to us? What happens if you have one without the other?
Psalm 20:
- The “you(r)” of verses 1-5 is in the singular and probably refers to “his anointed” (vs 6) and “the king” (vs 9). Remember that Jesus Christ (Christ means “anointed one”) is our King.
- Use this psalm to express your confidence in the blessing and salvation that comes to Christ, and in him to you.
Psalm 21:
- Similar to Psalm 20, read this psalm remembering that Jesus Christ is our King.
- Pray this psalm, especially verses 1-7, as a hymn of praise about Jesus.
Psalm 19: The Heavens Declare the Glory of God
C.S. Lewis called psalm 19 “the greatest poem in the Psalter and one of the greatest lyrics in the world.”
Maybe Lewis called it the greatest poem because it gives us directions for how to accomplish one of life’s greatest goals—knowing God.
- Psalm 19:1-6 speak of how God has revealed Himself to us through His creation. Verses 3-4 state that even though there is no audible sound, so much is communicated to us about who God is through the heavens, specifically the sun.
- Psalm 19:7-11 share that God has also revealed Himself to us through His word. His word that is perfect (7), sure (7), right (8), pure (8), clean (9) and true (9).
As I write this, it is snowing. God is blanketing His creation in white. It is beautiful and it’s a great reminder of what He has revealed to us further through His word:
- He cleanses us from all sin— Psalm 51:7 “Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.”
- He provides us with everything we need—Isaiah 55:10 “As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater”
So take a moment to marvel at God’s magnificent creation; consider what it speaks about who He is and meditate on His word, which speaks in even more detail about His goodness and grace to us.
Father God, we praise you for revealing your power, beauty and majesty to us through creation. Thank you for giving us your word that we may know you to a greater extent. Enable us to find your word to be more precious than gold, and sweeter to us than honey that we may long for it and hide it in our hearts that we may not sin against you. In the precious name of Jesus, the Word incarnate, Amen.
– Amber Stites