Reading: Psalm 16-18


Psalm 16:

  • How does David express his trust in God in Psalm 16?
  • How does the idea of God being your “chosen portion and cup” apply to your life? Spend time in prayer asking God to help you trust Him more and to be your chosen portion and cup.

Psalm 17:

  • How does Psalm 17 deepen our understanding of prayer in the face of adversity?

Psalm 18:

  • In what ways does the dramatic depiction of God’s intervention (verses 7-15) inspire your understanding of God’s power?
  • Consider how God has shown up in your own life to intervene and then take time to praise Him for His presence with you.  If you can’t come up with an experience of His intervention, ask Him to help you see the ways He shows up for you on a day to day basis.

The three Psalms from this week are centered around a theme of God rescuing his people. There are cries for preservation, vindication, deliverance, and reminders of how the Lord has done these things in the past. As you read and worship, recall what you’ve been delivered from – both in your circumstances and in your sin and rebellion against God. Pray this response to what we’ve read:

Father, we are weak and vulnerable creatures! Even as we wish to deny our need and dependence on you, we are faced daily with our limitations and our exposure. Remind us through these words of the emptiness that you fill for us, the weakness that you bolster up, the sadness that you replace with gladness, the fears that you subdue, the danger that you deliver us from.

Spirit, grant us delight in your provisions: in your holy people with whom we enjoy fellowship, in your ears that hear our cries, in your counsel that guides our paths, in your presence that fills our loneliness, in your steadfast love that shows us our worth, in your salvation that shows us your mercy.

Jesus, your way is perfect, you are the light that illuminates our darkness, you are the path that upholds our feet, you are the Word that proves true, you are our refuge, shield and stronghold. You are worthy to be praised!

– Andy Stites